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The City of Independence Missouri

The city of Independence contracted with Interpersonal Frequency to redesign their website in 2022. The site launched in 2023.

City of Independence hero

What I Did

Role: UX Designer

Work Produced: Wireframes, UI Design, Prototyping, UX Strategy

During this project I worked with the User Experience Strategy (UXS) team that consisted of a Content Strategist, Information Architect, and  the User Experience Manager along with the development team to design the new website for independencemo.gov. I was part of the different project phases from Discovery through to Design Handoff to development. 

The Process

I took the qualitative and quantitative data gathered during the discovery and research phase and worked with the information architect in the definition phase where the information architecture was established. 

I took the IA and developed the wireframes, the design and the prototype in the design phase. Presented each deliverable to the client to get approval before handing off designs to the development team.

I took the IA and developed the wireframes, the design and the prototype in the design phase.

After a couple of revision rounds in the design, I built the prototype using Webflow.

Once the designs were approved I spent time with the development team doing a couple hand-off sessions.

Let's Work Together

Given the chance we could do great things. All it takes is one step.

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